Apple Dwarf, Honey Crisp


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SKU: TRN-EDB-APL-DWF-HC Categories: , ,


A modern apple in high demand. Outstanding fresh-eating qualities make this variety an American favorite. Fruit is aromatic and sweet as honey with an explosively juicy, crisp texture. Grow this naturally compact tree even in small spaces. Originates from Excelsior, Minnesota in 1974. Cold-hardy. Ripens in early September. Pollinator required: Choose another early or mid-blooming apple variety, like Jonathon or Yellow Delicious.

Pollinators include: Arkansas Black, Braeburn, Crabapple, Cortland, Einshemier, Dorsett Golden, Fuji, Gala, Grimes Golden, Golden Delicious, McIntosh, Mutsu, Red Delicious, Jonagold, Stayman Winesap, Yates

Bare root size: 4-5′