Crabapple, Standard Sugar Tyme


10 in stock

SKU: TRN-EDB-CRA-ST Categories: , , , ,


Bare root size: 3-4′

Sugar Tyme Crabapple (Malus Sutyzam’) has it all, from beauty to adaptability and disease resistance.

You’ll thrill to the springtime show. Delightful, petite, pink-hued buds swell and grow along the bare branches. Be on the lookout for them as a sure sign that warmer weather is on its way. These buds open into a wave of stunning white blossoms.

Sweetly fragrant blooms feature a bright yellow stamen in the center. Masses of these flowers are held profusely all along every branch. They last over a long period of time. Butterflies love these sweet, single petals. You can imagine they think of them as a flowering landing pad for nectar!

In summer, you’ll enjoy lush, dark green leaves. Be sure to notice the tiny new green fruits that start to develop. The fruit becomes an important decorative accent that adds to the beauty of this wonderful Crabapple selection.

Once summer starts to fade, the leaves turn from their rich, green summer foliage into a pretty golden-yellow before leaf drop. The green fruit also starts to brighten up into a bold red, a brilliant contrast for your late summer and early fall football watch parties.

The branch structure itself is quite attractive. You’ll love how the bright red berries hang like natural Christmas lights strung throughout the tree on the bare branches of winter.

Continually recommended by Universities and landscape architects, Sugar Tyme has become a valuable specimen tree with superior ornamental features. Michigan Growers Choice award in 1999 as well as being recognized by noted professor and author Michael Dirr as a top selection for the home garden.

Local songbirds also would like to cast their vote in favor of the Sugar Tyme. They’ll surely appreciate the easy nutrition as they prepare for winter. Migrating birds coming back in late winter will pick the rest of the tree clean.