Do your part to help pollinators and grow more native perennials!
According to scientists’ estimates, global insect populations are down by 50-75% in the past 50 years. One way to take action is to plant perennials on a hyper-local level and support the insects, specifically pollinators, in your area. That can be a city lot, a farm, or a house in the suburbs.
We have the plants to build your pollinator support toolkit here in WNC, USDA zone 7. Redbud is a beautiful landscape tree, with excellent early season pollinator support. Witch hazel is a beautiful, medicinal plant with winter interest which supports pollinators after everything else is dormant and has stopped blooming. In the middle of the season, we love to have a variety of species like button bush, carolina sweet shrub, spice bush, dogwood, sourwood, and black gum. These species are beautiful, useful, and native!
Start planning your pollinator support landscape now! To find these plants on our website, search for “pollinator friendly” or follow the link below: